Why PUBG Became So Popular And Became The Top Trending Game?

Gaming is the field in which there is a huge market as almost the world’s 40% companies invest in the gaming industries and it is because the gamers are increasing day by day and the career in this field is also quite good but the competition level is much much higher as daily new games are developed with new strategies and new technology involved in it, It is quite tough to win the market and make your company’s name at top in the gaming industry, especially in android. The most recent top trending game was Mini Militia but after that PUBG was developed with more features, graphics, and much more larger maps with the maximum number of players interacting with each other playing at a time. The main reason why PUBG ruled the gaming industry was that it provides many options to the players and it was the only game after CS(Counter-Strike) in which every player could interact with each other but PUBG even crushed down CS because it was available on multiple platforms and the best part was that even players playing through different platforms could interact with each other. Some other factors which I think that due to this reasons also PUBG ruled the gaming industries.
“Battle Royal” concept
Prab’s creative director Brendan Green has worked on “Battle Royal” mode for previous projects like H1Z1 and Arma 2 and 3. Through these experiences of implementing the concept of war royal mode, they were eventually tasked with making the PUBG, by the Korean gaming company Bluehole. Battle Royale mode was inspired by an old Japanese horror film Battle Royale (2000). On the surface, PUBG appears as a normal realistic shooter, but while playing the game, it becomes a terrible and exciting experience, because game mechanics play in quick thinking to put more pressure on the players in the game. Reduced your options. If you survive till you are not one of the remaining 5 players, then you will understand what I mean.
Not just a shooter.
Twitch and precise mouse control in most FPS games are King, but players in PUBG need to bring more to the table. Strategic elements come into strategy and resource management. Do not engage or engage. Take that hill or on that tree. Prioritization should be given to all of the above mentioned before making all such decisions. Of course, adding your assassination leads you to the right, but what really matters in the game is the matter of being the only last person.
Duo and Squad Mode bring people together.
What is kept for me to come back to the game is how the PUBG needs constant communication between the members of the squad or duo. Taking advantage of reviving downed teammates is the best strategy because it can mean the difference in the last showdown on 4v4 or 1v4. Whenever we play in Duo and Squad, we are constantly calling the current situation. This can be a situation of a safe zone, when we need to move to the next protected area, check the list, the next best step, the direction of the shots is removed, the situation of the enemies, etc.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
This message appears when you become the last survivor or living team in the game. After trying for 120 hours.
Near zero wait time.
A big difference from games like overwatch, I do not have much time to wait. It may be that they have not implemented the match yet, but there are only a few game modes, and often one million players play together.
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