Claytronics – Transforming Technologies At Infinite Possibilities!

Imagine a bracelet or watch when you took it off and it turns into something else. Maybe it becomes a cell phone, tablet, or computer. Although this scenario may seem like science fiction, it will soon become a reality with a groundbreaking new technology named Claytronics. A few years away from bringing scientific life to a future simulation system, which can visualize almost any object in different shapes, colours and work with any other object. The building units that make this wonderful system possible include small microrobots called Claytronics atoms, or ‘catoms’, which interact with each other. They behave like these atoms that they become the basic building blocks of objects they are programmed to make. Each component becomes part of the computerized network of objects and recognizes itself based on the function; For example, catoms could see itself as part of the human body. At the command, millions, or even billions of catoms, are working together, in this case, the replica of a living person.
For any purpose, the substance can be converted to any size, with the Claytronics. Furniture can change the size; Empty walls can increase doors or windows. Catoms can make people feel that we will find it hard to understand from the real person. They will appear as being a real physical, not the hologram. The ability of our ‘world’ program will affect everything important to human experience, Especially our safety and welfare, For example, we should be at risk, Programmable clothes will become stronger with steel, while still its light weight will be maintained. Given the danger, these ‘smart clothes’ can make bullets and knives an impermeable shield to prevent our skin from tampering; Or become cushions to save us from auto accidents. On orders, the walls in our homes can light up with a bright shine, TVs look less like pictures and more like 3-D windows, And it can sound as wild, we can actually move the doors and windows to various walls. There is almost no end to the magic that this technique can be made.
Claytronics will reduce the number of necessary furniture pieces in the house. A dining table can be turned into a poker table for the party, then in a bed at night. Apart from this, apart from the furniture at different times, one room can be used as a living room, dining area and bedroom. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) is considering systems that allow war equipment to resize automatically. This military research organization wants to make a uniform, which changes the texture and colour to command to keep the soldiers comfortable in extreme weather conditions. The DARPA is also developing the Shapes-Transfer Robot which can run like a mercury through the small opening to think of caves and bunkers (Think of Liquefied Robot in Terminator 2). Another futuristic dream programmable skin for this futuristic thinking organization is that can change racial characteristics at command. However, the biggest advantage in the synthesis can be in communication. People can be copied at both ends of a phone call, And copying these copies will make the person look perfect and copy the movements. At each end of the line, a real person is communicating with the replica. Think Skype, But instead of looking at each other on the screen, you can touch, kiss or hug, as if you are physically together.