Augmented Reality – Future Of Designing
Since the introduction of Pong with an arcade in the early 1970s, video games have been entertaining for almost 30 years. Since then, computer graphics have become more sophisticated, and game graphics are suppressing barriers to photorealism. Now, researchers and engineers are pulling graphics from your television screen or computer display and integrating them into real-world environments. This new technique blurred the line between what is called the advanced reality, which is real and what we see, hear, feel and smell, produced by the computer. Between virtual reality, on the spectrum, which creates immersive, computer-generated environments and the real world, the Augmented reality is closer to the real world. Augmented reality adds graphics, sounds, happy response and smell to the natural world because it is present. Both video games and cell phones are running the development of Augmented reality. For tourists, soldiers, any person looking for the nearest subway stop can now benefit from the ability to keep computer-generated graphics in the field of vision. Augmented Reality (AR) / Virtual reality cannot be as exciting as roller coaster rides, but technology is proving itself as a very useful tool in everyday life. With social media filters, for surgical procedures, AR is increasing rapidly in popularity because it brings elements of the virtual world into our real world, thus we see, hear and feel about things like this. Compared to other reality technologies, the Augmented reality is located between the mixed reality spectrum; Between the real world and the virtual world
Augmented reality The information about the world is the result of using techniques to exaggerate sounds, images, and text. The growth of augmented word is an increase, which means to add or enhance something. In the case of Augmented reality (also called AR), graphics, sounds, and tactile feedback are added to create an advanced user experience in our natural world. It is different from virtual reality. Virtual reality means that the environment generated from the computer to interact for you, and be immersed. Augmented reality (also called AR) adds to the reality that you generally see rather than changing it. Unlike virtual reality, for which you need to be completely in a virtual environment, the Augmented reality uses your current natural environment and overlays the virtual information on its top. Since the virtual and real world is in harmony with coexistence, users of Augmented reality experience a new and better natural world, where virtual information is used as a tool to assist in everyday activities. is done.
Augmented reality is often presented as a type of future technology, but one form has been around for years. For example, the head-up display in many fighter aircraft by the decade of 1990, would show information about the aircraft’s direction, direction and speed, and after a few years, they could show what was in the field of view. This does not mean that phones and tablets will be the only place for the AR. Research, research, contact lenses, and other wearable devices have continued research with AR functionality. The ultimate goal of augmented reality is to create a convenient and natural immersion, so there is a feeling that phones and tablets will be changed, although it is not clear what will be the replacement. Even glasses can take a new look, because “smart glasses” are developed for blind people. Similar to any new technology, AR has a lot of political as well as ethical issues. Google Glass, for example, raised privacy concerns. Some are worried that conversations can be recorded secretly or photos can be stripped or thought they can be identified by face recognition software. Glass-like AR and Google lenses, AR glasses, contacts and more, however, are moving forward in production and sales.