Dark Matter & Dark Energies – The Real Truth

What Is Dark Matter?
For “Born To Run” in the follow-up album of 1978, Bruce Springsteen uses the darkness of the city as a metaphor in the form of an unknown, we all grow like we grow up and understand the world Let’s try. Cosmologists working to understand the origin and fate of the universe must be fully identified with the boss’s tragic desires. These harsh scientists are facing their own darkness for a long time on the banks of the city (or by the side of the galaxies) because they try to explain one of the greatest mysteries of astronomy. It is known as dark matter, which is a placeholder like X or Y used in the algebra class for something unknown and previously overlooked. One day, it will enjoy a new name, but today we are caught by the meaning of temporary labels and shadowy uncertainty. Canada has a deep underground land, which is not unlike any other. Sudbury, outside of Ontario, where curious bears often forage for raspberry in a backyard, Creton miners pull out from the deep below the ground in a blue hard hat. But when they enter half-open, jerky pitch-black lift to land in the huge cave, they share the ride with a group of other harsh people. Although their hats are orange, and they are mining for something completely different: nothing. That’s it, nothing yet. Companion miners are actually physicists working in a huge, underground laboratory called SNOB. It is situated deep in the depth of two kilometres, you can easily pull up to four-and-four-empire state buildings in this hole, at the top of each other. SNOLAB detectors rejected the universe for the hidden things considered to make up a large part of the substance in our universe: Dark matter This is an omnipotent, and thus sterilized thus far, searching.
Dark Matter Possibilities And Reality
The visible universe, including the Earth, the Sun, the other stars and the galaxies, is composed of electrons bundled together in protons, neutrons, and atoms. Perhaps one of the most amazing discoveries of the 20th century was that it makes ordinary, or boronic, a substance less than 5 per cent of the mass of the universe. The remaining universe is made of a mysterious, invisible material, which is dark matter (25 per cent) and a force known as gravity dark energy (70 per cent). Almost 80 per cent of the mass of the universe is composed of materials which scientists can not see directly. Known as the dark matter, this bizarre component does not emit light or energy. So scientists believe that it is dominated? In the 1950s, the studies of other galaxies first indicated that more than the naked eye in the universe involved more cases. Support for dark matter has increased, and although there is no solid direct evidence of dark matter, there have been strong possibilities in recent years. The familiar material of the universe, called the baryonic material, is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Dark matter can be made of boronic or non-baryonic substances. To keep the elements of the universe together, the dark matter should be made about 80 per cent of its case. The missing case can be more challenging to identify, made of geranium material regularly. Potential candidates include dwarf brown dwarves, white dwarves and neutrinos stars. Supermassive black holes can also be a part of the difference. But scientists have seen to make the missing mass, but these harsh places will have to play a more effective role, while other elements show that dark matter is more foreign.
How Much We Know About Dark Matter?
MACHOs are less foreign prospects. You and I do not shine or mirror light very well, it is absolutely reasonable to suggest that there are so many things in space and galaxies that are not big enough to start and light the stars, Gobbling Space worms which we can just do not look like they are really dark and we do not have enough flashlight. Except that we can trace some of those items (not insects) because they are so big that they bend light around them. They exist, and we know that they are there despite their darkness. And yet galaxy-rotating mathematics is not enough of them to work. If we imagine the universe filled with black holes then the same problem comes. We have to look at these lightweight gravitational lenses everywhere and we will not even do it when we work hard. So far, we are able to detect only five per cent of all cases in the universe; This nuclear substance creates all the galaxies and stars, planets, black holes, quasars, palpal, neutrinos as well as humans and all other life on Earth. The remaining unknown stuff, dark matter (25 per cent) and even more enigmatic dark energy (70 per cent).
We can observe the gravitational effects of dark matter on stars and galaxies but can not purify their “dark” particles with any of our equipment. And the boy has tried. Why are we trying to catch it? Of course, we will not be able to make the next generation global smartphone out of the dark. But seeing this will help us to understand how the galaxy really gets without flying, which should be done with the amount of atomic material that we are able to recognize. After all, the so-called dark matter in our own galaxy, galaxy, dark cloud of dark matter is thought to be in Halo. Finding dark matter will also help why we inspect objects in deep space, it is said to be an optical illusion when we have a strange arc in the images of the galaxies found with the telescope and the rings of light all around them. Researchers say that they are optical copies of the real galaxy that act like a giant gravitational lens, bark light from the galaxy and thus distort and magnify the image. It is called gravitational lensing. Or, to keep it more easily, scientists are searching for dark matter because they want to scratch an omnipotent itching. “It is that when you keep awake at night, you are itching, and Daniel Kendra, an experimental physicist in Freiburg in Germany, says, ‘What does this mean about all this?’
Experiments On Dark Matter
Although dark matter is different from normal matter, there are many experiments. At the International Space Station, a sensitive particle detector Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) has been working since its inception in 2011. So far, AMS is capable of detecting more than 100 billion global cosmic rays in its detectors, Nobel prize winner Samuel Ting, with the AMS Lead Scientific Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told the space. “We have measured positive positron, and it can come from the extra dark matter. But at this moment, we still need more data to ensure that it is a dark matter, and not from some strange astrophysicist sources. ” “We will need to run a few more years.” Below a mountain in Italy, back to Earth, Xenon1T WIMPs of LNGS collide with Xenon atoms. The lab recently released results before the experiment. Columbia APA Professor Elena April said in a statement: “A new phase has just started with XENON1T in the race to detect dark matter with ultra-low background on large scale earth detectors.” “We are proud to be on the run with this amazing detector, the first of its kind.” Large underground xenon dark substance experiment (LUX) used in the gold mine in South Dakota is also used for WIMP and xenon interactions. To date, the device has not revealed the mysterious substance. “Although a positive sign was welcomed, nature was not so kind!” A colleague at University College London, a physicist Chamgh Ghag and Lux, said in a statement.
Nevertheless, the result of a result is important because it changes the area of disrupting the models, for which what can be a dark matter beyond anything existing already. IceCube Neutrino Observatory, an experiment buried under the snow of Antarctica, is hunting sterile neutrino. Steril neutrino only interact with regular substances through gravity, making it a strong candidate for dark matter. Other equipment The Planck spacecraft of the European Space Agency is building a map since its launch in 2009. By seeing how the mass of the universe interacts, the spacecraft can be examined by both the dark matter and its co-partner, dark energy. In 2014, NASA’s firm Gamma-ray Space Telescope created a map of the heart of the galaxy in gamma-ray light, which further revealed the gamma-ray emissions spread from its roots. In Dublin, an astronomer in Fermilab, chief author Dan Hooper said, “Space, the signal that can not be explained by the currently proposed options, and very simple dark matter is in close proximity to the predictions of the model”. Researchers said that with the mass between 31 and 40 billion electron volts, dark particles can be explained further by the elimination of particles. The result is not considered a smoking gun for dark matter, as data will be required in addition to other observational projects and/or direct-identification experiments.
Dark Energy and Dark Matter
Although dark matter creates most of the material in the universe, it only creates about a quarter of the structure. The universe is dominated by dark energy. After the Big Bang, the universe began to expand externally. Once the scientists thought that it would eventually get out of energy, it would slow down because gravity pulled things together. But studies of remote supernovae showed that today the universe is growing rapidly in the past, not slow, it shows that the expansion is accelerating. It will only be possible when there is enough energy to overcome the dark energy of gravity in the universe. Dark energy is also mysterious, and its discovery in the 1990s was a complete shock for scientists. First, physicists believed that the attractive power of gravity would slow down the expansion of the universe over time. But when two independent teams tried to measure the rate of recession, they found that the extension was actually growing rapidly. A scientist compared the discovery of finding a set of keys in the air, in which they were expected to fall down-only to fly straight towards the ceiling. Scientists now think that the rapid expansion of the universe is otherwise operated by a kind of adverse power generated by quantum fluctuations in the “empty” space. Moreover, the force appears to be growing stronger in the form of the expansion of the universe. For the lack of better name, scientists call this mysterious force dark energy. Unlike dark matter, scientists have no practical explanation for dark energy.
According to one thought, dark energy is the fifth and first element of the unknown type, which is called quintessence, which fills the universe like fluid. Many scientists have also stated that the known properties of dark energy are compatible with cosmological stability, a mathematical band-ed that Albert Einstein added to the theory of general relativity to fit his equations with the notion of a stable universe. According to Einstein, there will be an adverse force continuously, which opposes gravity, prevents the universe from falling into itself. Later Einstein abandoned this idea when the celestial observations showed that the universe was expanding, calling the “cosmic mistake” of the cosmological constant. Now that we see that the expansion of the universe is growing rapidly, by adding dark energy to the form of cosmic stability, it can be clearly explained how space-time is being isolated. But this explanation still leaves scientists unaware that why weird force is present in the first place.