Archology – Future Of Architecture !
Introduction To Archology
Imagine a skyscraper. Each five or so floor is a complete floor dedicated to the inner workings of the top floors. This is called a deck. The deck level has all the power lines, plumbing men and anything else that needs to work in a comfortable way with all modern facilities for life. Now cover the skyscraper’s land area of a small town or a big city and realize that the number of decks in triple digits. In essence, the ideal description is. Here the name of the game is self-reliant. There is another feature above the link from the closed Circle page because the materials required to keep the building system cannot be done. These processes include food production, waste recycling and environmental finishing (air conditioning and so on). People can come in theory, and go, but the idea is that they do not have to leave. It is notable that some of the stories are actually made up of huge megacities “Archcooplex” or residential, commercially or industrially specific Archology which links to each other to create an integrated, futuristic ecosystem. After some application of fridge logic, the City Planet settings will almost qualify as the Arch complex; Otherwise, they will not work.
What Is Archology?
This is a concept introduced by architect Paolo Solari, who has defined it in his book Archeology: City in the Image of Man; The idea of a fusion between architecture and ecological and ecological vision in response to the development of the city. The basis of an Archology is to be a self-sufficient, green building, which is a small town as a result of its size and number of services. Residents of this ‘small town’ will benefit from services such as waste management, electricity generation and transport as part of the same development. This concept was created in the form of a solution to one of the serious problems faced by modern society: As a result of population growth and the consequences of natural environment, the city’s susceptibility to the disadvantages Thus, this new wave of architecture picks up for vertical development, in which large skyscrapers are constructed which capture the least possible place, as well as make a commitment to reduce the environmental impact. The Archeology Building, in this way, will meet all the necessary life requirements; Able to generate their own energy, produce their own food, handle air and water quality, and support sustainable waste management. In addition to the provision of all services in one vertical space, buildings will also be removed from cars, which will reduce pollution and carbon emissions. We do not know what will be the path of future architecture, but the one thing we know is that, according to the UN’s predictions, by 2015, our planet will be 9.7 billion people, this figure will increase to 11,200 by 2100. , We just have to wait and see which measures will be taken and how the architecture will respond to the challenge.
How Archology Is Different?
Finally, if you are looking for a completely self-sufficient community, you will find many of them in Antarctica, very few of the Earth. Different research centres operated by different countries around the world are present in the form of self-contained units with very little contact with almost all the external world. Heli Research Station, run by the British Antarctic Survey, is one of many examples which we can take. It exists in five different incarnations because it was established in 1956 from wooden huts to steel tunnels. Almost all have been buried under the ice and they are crushed with their weight until they are deported. Heli V escapes the fate who escapes the fate, which can periodically jack up the surface. Its successor, Halley VI, is currently under construction and is expected to be completed by the end of 2011. Like Halley V, it is made on the feet which allows it to be jacked, but there is a house ski under those feet so that it can be done as needed, moved from time to time to different areas. During the hilly summer, with a peak of approximately 70 employees, it is captured throughout the year, when the average daily temperature is around -10c. In winter, when the temperature is reduced to -55 c and 105 days, without sunlight, it is made only by the skeletal crew of 16, in which some scientists are involved but a chef, Doctors, mechanics, electricians, many electronics engineers and heating and ventilation engineers Each year, one of those winners is sworn in as a magistrate and is designated as a base commander, so that he is ultimately responsible for anything in the structural structure.
Future Of Archology
Almost in any way, this is similar to the charming legends of Will Wright’s classic PC strategy game. Designed to make thousands of people home, its beautiful and complex exterior mask is made for the extremes of Russian weather, which is able to “breathe” through its porous surface, keeps people warm in the winter And it remains cold in summer. Keeping in mind the self-sufficiency of Self-sufficiency, Crystal Island was designed with residential, office and public places, and it will be operated through the combination of wind turbines and the network of simplified solar panels on its surface. In other words, it will be a city within a city. All of which are very impressive, but by 2011, Crystal Island has been trapped on the drawing board. While the Russian government was eager to start the structure, and the architectural firm Foster and Partners were serious about designing it, the global financial meltdown since 2008 has stopped manufacturing plans. If there are space engines in arcology, then this is a generation ship. Shares are blurry lines with Mega City, which should only be huge, but sometimes the example of one is an example of both, especially the Arch complex variation. Contrast Hub City, which provides everything you need but offers a place to call at home. Corridor cities that qualify as Archology work very well in the event of a siege because there is no problem now with the decrease in supply. Compared with the layered metropolis, a city on water, a city with a bottle, underground city, skyscraper city, and domed hometown, and vice versa. Although the above tropical megacities are sub-tropical, it is not technologically Archology, because someone can actually be present without any city, even if it usually works in that way. Finally, look at the shining city, which is trying to be an Archology from an ecological perspective, whether it is successful or not.